Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A blogworthy weekend...

Yes, it is Wednesday, I'm a little late blogging about my weekend. It was GREAT! And I hope to come back to post about it....but right now, I'm S.I.C.K. Oh dear readers (you out there?) it is not fun being sick to begin with, but add on two young children and it is so much worse. What? You need a diaper change? Huh? I need to get up and feed you?
Is anyone else that I hung out with this weekend sick? Biju got it before I did by a few hours, but he's better. He never hugged the toilet, either, which I've done 4x now. I have no idea if I've got any milk for Alex but he keeps nursing so I'm hoping he gets something.
Why couldn't this have happened next week when Biju would be home to help care for the little ones?

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