Thursday, June 18, 2009

Plant surgery

We've had quite a bit of rain, lately. The other morning Biju pulled back our dining room curtains and said "whoa" - our corn stalks had been knocked down. How very disappointing! I wasn't going to let the weather win, tho! I went out while the ground was still mud, got our trusty trowel and gently set those babies back up! I crossed fingers we wouldn't have another rain or even a big wind come along until they'd had a chance to set their roots back into the soil. So far they're still standing so I'm holding out hope that we'll get a few ears later this summer.

Here is the garden a couple days before the big rains (with one of the tomato plants towering over Alex):

Here are the lil fellers knocked over:

Here they are after surgery:

And just for fun, a few other shots of our garden. The beans and squash have filled their little rectangle and you can't see any soil at first glance. This first shot you've already seen in a previous post.

This second shot was taken this evening, just 10 days later!!

Another view of the towering tomato plant:

Our peas surprised us! Despite having next to nothing on the stem, a couple plants have still managed to sprout a pod or two!

These are a couple of blossoms from our zucchini. If you look closely you can see a bug in there. I thought we had a few yellow ladybugs, but upon further research I think we have some Mexican Bean Beetles. I now need to find out how to get rid of them!! (Anyone have any suggestions??)

And while I'm here talking about plant surgery, I thought I'd show you my aloe vera plant. I started out with 3 starts last year but paid too much attention to them (aka: watered them once every 10 days, as told). I killed off two, but the third thrived once I started to neglect it. Water about once every 3 weeks or so. Juuust right! I figured it was lonely, tho, so took a few more starts from my moms plant. I gave them all a new home. So far so good. I haven't even watered them since moving them into the pot. They seem quite content. I was able to offer a bit to my niece, Paige, when she come over sporting a sunburn.

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