Saturday, August 20, 2011


Wanna see something completely cute??

Ain't dat baby cute?!?

On the Sunday we were up visiting the family, we had lunch with a long-time friend, Lisa, and her hubby and two boys. Afterwards, we stopped by my grandpa's to check out his farm. My aunt, Theresa, took all of us out to see some mini-horses.

Darrin (in yellow), Rodney, Garrett (in red) and Ajay mingling with the minis.

Alex not quite ready to get in the mix.
Darrin and Ajay (born within a couple of weeks of each other) feeding the horses.

Aunt Theresa helping to ease Alex's fears.

Kyleigh with her mama, Shelly, petting the ponies.

Look at that!! Audrey, around 19 months, bigger than a baby horse!

Lisa cuddling a sleeping Aren in the shade.  (Whoo-whee it was hot that day!)
Aunt Tina had popsicles for everyone when we came inside.

Grandpa with some of his great-grandchildren (the best pic we could get with 5 children ages 6 and under).
After our visit with Grandpa and after Lisa and her crew left, we went down to Aunt Theresa's farm (adjacent to Grandpa's farm) and saw a few more minis and some regular sized horses!  The kids loved spraying one of the horses down with water.  Aunt Theresa says she (the horse) can't get enough.  A few of the other horses didn't mind it, really, but this one horse adores ice cold water from the hose. 

Alex was fine until Buddy, a golden retriever, came along!!  (Was I a mean mommy for snapping this picture before I went to comfort him??)

This horse, only a little okay with being sprayed with water, likes to roll in the dust after getting hosed.

Our bare-back rider

After more horses, more popsicles, of course!!

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