Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Annie Auntie!

Today is Annie Auntie's birthday and since I don't have a picture of her on her special day I'll share the photos I have of the boys talking with her this morning.  It was evening time in India.  I think they each got to speak with Bino Uncle for some time, as well.  I hear Bino composed a song for his bride.  How sweet! 

They really enjoyed talking to her and were on the phone for over a half hour! 

We hope you had a wonderful day, Annie Auntie!!


Angeleena said...

How sweet the kids look!! Haha! I heard Annie had a rocking time too!!

Annie said...

It was a dellllllight talking to the kids as always! A big thank you for putting up these adorable pics!:)