Monday, May 9, 2011

Biju's Birthday

Biju had a birthday last week.  Too bad he was sick!  He came home from work early on Saturday (he was trying to get some overtime in since it's rarely offered).  He said he didn't feel well and it just progressed from there.  He suffered all Saturday and Sunday (I've never seen him so sick in the almost 10 years I've known him) and was finally able to get to the doc on Monday morning.  Turns out he had strep.  We're not sure where it came from as no one he knows had it.  I'm just SUPER grateful that the boys and I stayed healthy!  Biju slept on the twin that is set up in the baby's bedroom, ate his meals (when he did actually eat) away from the rest of us, and only allowed the boys to give him hugs on his legs.  Once he got his hands on his antibiotics his world turned back around.  It was nice seeing him on the mend and able to interact with all of us again.  Despite not feeling all that well, he was a sport and allowed us to celebrate his b-day.  I had ordered one of his favorite cakes the week before, when he was still feeling well, and had a little bag of gifts (his main gift he had picked out last week).

Glad you're feeling better, Sweetos!


Anonymous said...

Tell him Happy Birthday from us! :) Happy to hear he is feeling better! :)Erin

Sarah said...

That cake looks AMAZING!!!! i am drooling over it