Wednesday, May 4, 2011

37 Weeks!

Wahoo!!  After a little worry that this guy would try to make his appearance a bit early, we have now made it to 37 weeks - which is technically a full-term pregnancy.  I joke with Biju that now he's going to stay tucked in until his due date (May 23) or after.  I went to the zoo with Ajay's class yesterday.  I figured all the walking around may not put me into labor but surely it would be helpful exercise.  I was plum tuckered out, though!  Alex fell asleep on the way home and I couldn't wait to get home and take a nap myself. 

I would normally have had an OB appointment today (Wed.) but I couldn't get in until Friday.  I was 3cm/50% effaced last week and for some reason, I'm not expecting too much of a change this week.  It's really a good thing that this little guy wants to hang out awhile longer.  Biju has strep and we want him to be recovered so he can be fully involved with my laboring process.  I just can't imagine laboring and having a baby without him.  And how sad would it be if he had to miss the birth because of being ill??

I turned 37 weeks on Monday so I had Biju take a belly-shot (taken on Sunday before my niece Paige's First Communion mass). 

Apparently my tummy is a bit small, according to some people.  When I'm asked "when are you due?" I answer them and most people are surprised how soon I'll be delivering.  Here is a pic of me w/ Alex around 38 weeks (a week before he was born) (I don't think there's that much of a difference):

(Same picture in a different form:) 

And despite spending way too long trying to find a pic of me at the end of my pregnancy with Ajay, I just can't.  So the only thing I can find right now is when I was about 7.5 mo

(It's been fun sorting through old pics, though!)


Rawsonfamilyof5 said...

You are beautiful! I mean this in the nicest possible way I do not think your belly is too small it is just right! I cant wait for baby's arrival and to see pictures!! Make sure someone emails as soon as he makes his arrival!

Sarah said...

I think your belly is just right. NOBODY believes me when I say I am 36 weeks. I look more like 24 weeks but I am happy not to have gained a million pounds =)