A couple of things have happened since the start. On the second day of school I wasn't waiting at the corner for bus drop-off (I was walking down the sidewalk). Since I wasn't right there at the corner, Ajay didn't get off the bus. At the time we weren't sure if he was actually on the bus or floating around somewhere else in the system and Biju and I got quite concerned. Of course, since I was just walking to the corner I didn't take my phone. Biju noticed something wasn't right so jumped into his car. He drove around the block (to try to catch up to the bus) then came back to meet me. He had my phone, so I got it from him and called the school. They put me on hold while they made their appropriate calls. A little while later we saw the bus pull up to the stop. I was unsure whether Ajay would be freaking out and was prepared to give him tons of reassurances ("It's okay, Sweetheart, you'll do better next time" and whatnot). Turns out, the kid was just fine. He hopped off the bus, turned around and waved to the bus driver, then faced me as if all of this was perfectly normal. We quickly explained that he wasn't in trouble but to always get off the bus at his designated spot.
Another, not so scary, incident was - the $25 lunch box got left behind. That happened on a Friday. When Ajay got home I asked where his lunch box was and a look crossed over his face. I could tell he had no idea he'd left it behind and when he realized he had, he burst into tears. Again, I called the school. The secretary glanced in the Kindergarten room but was unable to find it. We had to wait the whole weekend before we could find out where it had been left. In the Kdg. room? In the gym? Did it make its way into some other kids possession? Luckily on Monday morning, Mrs. T handed me the box, with the advice that I take the contents straight to the compost bin if we had one! (It really wasn't that bad, thankfully.)
I've decided that when I let Ajay ride the school bus in the morning and in the afternoons, I feel very "out of the loop." I now take Ajay to school in the mornings and let the bus drop him off in the afternoons. Mommy feels much better with this arrangement, however Ajay begs every morning to let him ride the bus. Boo. I figure we can treat this like school lunches. Once a week he can have a school lunch and once a week he can ride the bus to school. I'm willing to compromise. :)
Here are some more of Ajay's lunches. Its fun to take pics :) Its not fun, however, seeing most of the contents come back every afternoon. I've drastically cut back on the amount of food sent, and have made sure to send mostly non-perishable foods. The frozen juice bottle will keep foods cool until lunchtime, but not until he gets home from school!
Here we have a banana, a chocolate, some juice, frozen peas (Ajay prefers them frozen, but I was hoping he would eat them anyway once they thawed by lunch), a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some Cheez-Its.

And I took a couple other shots this day so you could see how deep the Goodbyn is, and how big it is in comparison to Ajay. It tucks nicely into the first zippered pocket on his backpack even though it looks rather big.

Cheez-Its mixed with Wheat Thins, a chocolate, frozen juice, frozen corn, cheese chunks and turkey slices on a kabob (toothpick - with the sharp ends cut off for safety), dried cranberries mixed with almonds.

Lunch for today: Carrot sticks, grapes, a chocolate (not pictured), frozen juice, ranch (in which to dip the carrots), half of a turkey sandwich, almonds with sesame seeds (already shelled).

Ajay had some homework to do over the weekend so he got to put his "new" school-desk to good use. In this picture, he's tracing his name. After tracing, he was to write his name on his own. He's having issues with the lower-case letters. He spent all of last year mastering uppercase and now he has to switch to lower-case. Not as easy as it may seem!

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