Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Ohhh shoes.
Shoes around our house take quite the beating. Ajay loves his Velcro shoes pulled extra tight, tighter than the manufacturer would've ever imagined. I think it's time to get him some tie shoes. He's at the age he needs to learn to tie his shoes, anyway, isn't he? We've talked to him about this, but I don't think he understands the level of frustration that will come with tie shoes. He thinks he gets upset now!
Alex has Ajay's hand me downs. He clomps around our backyard in a pair of navy blue Velcro shoes that have been welllll used. We're talking bits-and-pieces-coming-off well used. But heck, it's just the backyard, right? Oh wait, he has worn those poor things out into public. I hang my head in shame. We have a very cute pair of shoes that we got from India, and since they're Velcro, too, Alex took one off while riding in the van. He chucked it to some unknown location and I had to put him in the "poor man" shoes for weeks. Luckily the Patron Saint of Things Lost (is it St. Anthony??) pointed me in the right direction and I found the missing shoe under the back bench seat of the van. I would like to get him another pair, so finding the chance to win a pair of shoes from Momma Molly's blog is quite fortuitous. Now I just need to figure out a way to rig the random generator to pick me!

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