Friday, January 11, 2013


I needed Aren to stay busy back at the beginning of December.  I can't remember what I was doing and I'm sure it isn't all that important, maybe I was cooking lunch or something.  Anyhoo, I wanted to keep him busy in his booster seat with something other than food. 
I started rummaging through our activity drawers and found a book I bought Ajay for one of our flights to India long ago.  This is a coloring book, of sorts.  The kind where all you do is "paint" with water and a picture appears. 
The set originally came with a little paint brush that was also a tube.  The tube held water so it was all self contained.  Water/Brush and pre-colored pages.  Perfect for a toddler.  That brush got chewed up, however, as most toddler toys do.  Am I right? 
The book is still fun, you just need to give the toddler a paint brush and a cup of water.  Fine for about 42 seconds.  Aren sure enjoyed himself, though!  And it kept him happy (albeit wet) whilst I did whatever it was I was doing.
 After this fun I decided to give the little guy a snack.  He wanted to share his cracker with Hut-Doh (Elmo, for those of you not in the know!) 

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