Okay, I"m making myself write a quick post because it's been almost a month since I've put anything new on here. There are tons I want to write about, and when I take pictures, I think "this will go on the blog" and then I don't get around to it.
I have to say, I've been on the computer a lot less lately. Lisa got me sucked into Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" series. I read book 1 in a week and book 2 in a week, and am now on book 3. It should take me longer, as I'm trying to pace myself. I need to be sure I get other stuff done around the house, too! Besides, think of all the crafting stuff that is suffering as a result of my reading!
Whats that? You want to see something crafty? Okay. I'll post a pic of something I've done recently. I made a pair of pants for Alex out of an old turtleneck. I plan on taking the sleeves and making a pair for Ajay, too, but that means I need to put down the book (and not be on the computer). (
Here is where I got the directions to make the pants) - instead of doing the elastic waist, tho, I used the neck of the turtleneck.

The fun thing about pants being so easy to make - I've made 2 for me!! Thats right, I've taken some nightgowns I had from India (I'm not really a nightgown kind of gal, give me pants anyday - er - night). I just followed the same premise, just in a larger size! They are super comfy. I've made two pair, and can't wait to make the third. I want to cut the sleeves off the nighties and sew them onto t-shirts, to make a matching pj set. I'll try to remember to take pics of the 3rd pair of pants in the making, to show you how it all works out.
Okay. Its late and I need to get to bed before Alex wakes up. I just wanted to add a little post to say I haven't forgotten this blog exists, and I will come back to post more. Afterall, Ajay and I made finger paints a couple weeks back, and I have to share pics of that!! Ciao for now!